Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gym Freak of the Week

Finally! After quite a long break, I bring to you a Gym Freak of the Week. Although for my own safety and well being, it has been nice going to the gym and not having any freakish encounters - but lets be honest, it was only a matter of time before one crossed my path again...

So yesterday while minding my own business I happen to notice an old man come out of the locker room. Now I have seen him before and I've always pondered (from afar) if his "swim trunks" are really swim trunks or if they are actually underwear. And today my friends, I got my answer.

As he strolled past me on the swim deck (within a few feet) I had the opportunity to verify my curiosity, and I was right, he in fact was NOT sporting swim trunks, but instead boxers - and because I am ever so lucky, he happened to be wearing them inside out so I could even see the lovely white tag hanging out of the back.
What makes the situation even more gross/more awkward, is that before you use the pool/spa at the gym you have to shower, so this nasty old man with stringy gray hair is wondering around in boxer shorts dripping wet (imagine a wet t-shirt contest: old man style). I swear if I had been at ANY other angle I'm sure I would have seen something that would have taken the term gym freak to a whole new level.

So there you have it, there is an old man using the aquatic facilities at my gym in his skivvies. No joke.



lola said...

Ok, I always love your gym freak posts, but holy crap this is to the next level! EW!

mackenzie said...

oh my lord this is too funny, you NEED to bring your camera or phone, i know your working out but still you must document this!! hahaha

Annie said...

oh my gosh!! no way!! ha!!
i am so thankful my gym is "normal" ;) although the only thing i don't like about it is i'm almost always the only girl there.

Nicole said...

but thank you for a new edition of GFOTW. ive missed it lately.

Steph said...

How disgusting! What's the point of showering if he is just gonna put his dirty boxers back on. Gross!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

HAHA, wow! I'm wondering if it was day two of sporting the undies since they were flipped inside out...

Sarah said...

Eww! Eww! Eww! I seriously gagged when I read that. Someone should report him. That's just...wrong! Lol.

Anonymous said...

EW! If it gets any freakier you're going to need to have Josh build you a pool in the backyard!

LWLH said...

Ew, Nasty McNasty! :)

Unknown said...

Man, I don't get it, how do they always find you????? lmao!!!!

Maryellen said...

Aw that's truly awesome.

Jodie said...

I love your gym freak of the week! hahah! This one definitely didn't disappoint.. thanks for the laugh!

Unknown said...

Haha, this is classic!!!!! To say the least...