Friday, January 9, 2009


I get to see Joshy soon and resume normal life once again! I'm so excited for this weekend just to relax and be in my own jammies in my own house on my own couch with my love :)

We also have an exciting trip to SF planned with Allie on Sunday, which will be exciting! I think we are going to hit up the original Basic Brown Bear Factory-- Not to be confused with the not authentic and semi-cheesy Build a Bear. They have such cute bears and bunnies and all sorts of animals with hand made clothes! That is where I got my Beatrix Bunny when Josh and I went to SF for our two year anniversary. She is the perfect snuggle size for when I'm lonely, and she doesn't fall apart like Mr.Bear that Josh got me in Germany.

Speaking of bears purchased by Josh.... I tried out stuffing the glitter bear in a pillowcase and PROBLEM SOLVED! No more glass-glitter in my throat in the morning, finally!

Tomorrow I have to work at 7am for the Genentech (Vacaville Branch) Christmas Party, they are going all out and have rented all of the facilities at the Meritage Resort in Napa. Luckily I'm staying at my Aunts house in Napa so I won't have to get up super early to make the hour long commute!

Tonight Lindsey and Dennis are coming over and we are going to make dinner and watch Kung Foo Panda, so that should be fun! Hopefully the house won't be as cold as an igloo.

That's about all. Oh and a special shout out to my mom for staying with me last night and fielding my scaredy catness, much appreciated :)

Peace Out Gangstas!

EDIT: 2/24/09 Here are some Pictures from our trip to the city with Allie!
In front of the beautiful Bay!

Poor Joshy, Carrying all of our bags....

Lombard Street!

Lombard Street!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ahhh Chooo

The last few days my allergies have been getting to me, which is weird considering that it isn't allergy season.

Yesterday Lindsey and I went to Artessa to look at some artifacts... it was really pretty there! I tried to upload some pictures but for some reason it isn't working.

In other news I think i have been ingesting glitter in my sleep which is getting caught in my throat. You may ask how/why? Well let me inform you: Joshy bought me a nice little holiday teddy bear to keep me company while he is gone, on that beloved bear there is a red scarf and red santa hat adorned with glitter made snowflakes. these snowflakes seem to flurry every which way during my sleep and somehow are getting into my mouth and down the hatch- thus causing me to wake up feeling like there are shards of glass in my throat. You may say "get over it Katie, drink so freaking water" and to this i respond "water doesn't get rid of it!!! it takes about 3 hours, 2 glasses of water, 4 cups of hot chocolate... ect ect". So I am now contemplating stopping by Target on my way home from work to replace the bear with something a bit more health friendly to get me through the rest of the week without him orrrr I could just put the glitter bear in a pillow case, which is a very possible option.

suggestions to end the glitter inhalation problem are welcome.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

4 More Days...

Amongst all of the fun blogs out there right now I thought I would start one up for Josh and I, you know, to keep track of all of the super cool things we do.

Right now Josh is in Maui, and will be home in 4 days. (Thank God!) Being nomadic and living all over the greater bay area while he has been gone, has been nothing less than inconvenient and lonely. Luckily his plane lands in 4 days, which at this point seems like an eternity, but at least I'm passed the half way point (with 7 days under my belt - I'm such a champ!).

Aside from guest room hoping all over town, not much is new.